pot-bellied-pigs-7I have a bunch of pet peeves, we all do. A pet peeve is defined as “a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to himself, to a greater degree than others may find.” (Wikipedia)

They have little to nothing to do with the LDS Church, though I supposed I have a pretty long list pertaining to that.  But not today.  You may choose to contribute yours in the comments below.

Handicap Placards

placardI do not begrudge the fact that there are truly disabled and elderly folks who benefit from the ability to park their vehicle close to a place to make it easier for them to use that facility.  Whether on a temporary or more permanent basis.  I had a pretty significant knee injury several years ago, which required surgery. While recuperating, first on a walker and then just with a leg brace, I had a temporary handicap placard for 3 months to allow me to use the handicap parking. At the end of the  3 months, I asked the doctor for an extension and he said “No, you don’t need it anymore. You can walk, you need to.”

So, maybe it’s just sour grapes, but it appears there are plenty of people that have (or borrow) handicap placards that use them, but do not need them. Having said that, I am sure there are folks that, despite their appearance, really do need it.  I recognize that. But it still appears to me that there are plenty that abuse it. Here’s one story from the Los Angeles Times that describes enforcement over the abuse . And finally, here is a link to a report from the Inspector General of the State of Massachusetts covering the same topic.

Service Dogs


I grew up seeing blind people with seeing-eye dogs. I have been amazed and thoroughly impressed with how the dogs performed, guided and protected their owners.  I am also a dog owner ( 2 dogs) and I love my dogs.  But these days I see a proliferation of service animals (mainly dogs) all over the place for a variety of maladies. Now, we see service dogs for diabetes, hearing impairment, mental illnesses such as PTSD, seizure disorders, mobility issues, and anxiety.

And as such, it has become big business. There are service dog training facilities popping up all over the place. Some very reputable, others not so much. Here is a report from this year on laws being written to crack down on fake service dogs.  

In many instances, like seeing impairment or mobility limitation, these animals are invaluable in assisting their masters to function in daily life.  But, some people, will abuse any good thing for their own purpose.  You can buy fake service dog credentials on the Internet very easily.  These animals lack the proper training and give legitimate service dogs a bad name. It is a selfish act by some who feel entitled to have their pet in environments where pets are typically not allowed.

Having said that, I wonder sometimes if the service dog (animal) is used inappropriately. I can see a young child, having type 1 diabetes benefitting from a service animal whose job it is to detect low blood sugar when parents or guardians are not present. But I question the same use by an adult, who should be responsible enough to keep themselves properly tested and medicated. I’m sure there might be exceptions, but they should be rare.

Medical Marijuana

I live in Colorado, which is one of the States that legalized the recreational use of Marijuana. I could go on and one about that, but not now.  Prior to that, the medical use was permitted with a card issued by a medical doctor.  As a result, retail outlets for the dispensing of this medical marijuana are everywhere throughout the state.

It has been shown that the use of medical marijuana is good for certain chronic illnesses and conditions.  We had a child in our Ward where the parents moved to Colorado to be able to get Cannabis Oil to treat his severe epilepsy. This cannabis oil is very specialized and does not contain any THC, which is the part of marijuana that gets people high.  It is hard to get, expensive and but can work wonders on this terrible condition.

But again, there is or was tremendous abuse.  At first, a small number of doctors in Colorado were issuing the majority prescriptions for medical marijuana. This prescription allows the patient to obtain a license from the State to purchase medical marijuana.  More than 80% of the reasons for the use is “severe pain.”  Of course, the severity of pain is impossible to diagnose.  So, they use marijuana. I suppose it might be better than to get addicted to opioid drugs. But, you wonder.

The other ironic part is that month to month, the county with the most patients is my county, El Paso County, which is one of the most conservative places in the US. There are 2X as many republicans as Democrats.

So what are your pet peeves? What do you think of mine?