I read a fascinating news article this week on two human conditions I had never heard of, aphantasia and hyperphantasia. Aphantasia is a phenomenon where a person is unable to form an image in their mind. It is estimated that about 1% of the populations has this. These people can’t see anything in their “mind’s eye”. They can’t form a picture in their mind of what an apple looks like. Some can’t remember what past events looked like, even their own wedding, .

The opposite of aphantasia is hyperphantasia, in which people see images so vividly in their heads they cannot tell if they are real or imagined. An estimated 3% of people see the world this way. From the linked article above, one person with hyperphantasia said she had an “enormous imagination” as a child, building entire villages in her mind.

I wonder how many “prophets” and visionary people have hyperphantasia. From what we know of Joseph Smith, he seems like a likely candidate for having it. Lucy Smith, his mother, in her biography of Joseph Smith, wrote the following

During our evening conversations, Joseph would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could be imagined. He would describe the ancient inhabitants of this continent, their dress, mode of traveling, and the animals upon which they rode; their cities, their buildings, with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life among them.

Biographical sketches of Joseph Smith the prophet and his progenitors for many generations, Lucy Smith. Page 85

This was done before he translated the Book of Mormon. Compare the above with what the woman said about her imagination, “building entire villages in her mind”. What other things might Joseph have not been able to tell if they were “real of imagined”? Plates of Gold? Heavenly visitors?

Taking the apologetic side, maybe God purposely selects men with hyperphantasia to be prophets? It would be easy to influence them, and to put visions in their minds. Maybe all the great prophets through the ages have had hyperphantasia. Or maybe men acquire hyperphantasia by the act of being called to be a prophet? Moses, Lehi, Nephie, Alma, did they are have a physiological predisposition to be visionary? Do modern prophets still have it, it is having visions a thing of the past? When was the last time you heard in General Conference a Prophet say he had a vision?