Where is the real Mt Sinai? Most believe it is not the traditional site on the Sinai Peninsula. There are at least 13 possible sites for the real Mt Sinai. George Potter believes it is in Saudi Arabia, and gives his reasons for this. Check out our conversation…

Mount Sinai’s location based on biblical accounts and expert analysis.0:01

  • George Potter believes Mount Sinai is located in Saudi Arabia, near the land of Midian, based on his research and analysis of the Bible. George worked in Saudi Arabia for 27 years as an executive leadership coach for the power company and now leads tours to sites in the region, including Mount Sinai. George believes Mount Sinai is not on the Sinai Peninsula but in Saudi Arabia, based on the route of the Exodus and the location of the burning bush (Midian). While there is a Catholic monastery at the base of the traditional Mount Sinai, George cites the lack of artifacts at the traditional site on the Sinai Peninsula and the possibility of Mount Sinai being in Arabia based on Moses’ experience there (tending Jethro’s flocks).
  • Mount Sinai’s location in Saudi Arabia.5:36
    • Many in Saudi Arabia have long believed Mount Sinai to be located in Saudi Arabia, with evidence including Elijah’s cave and the bitter waters of Mara.
  • Finding Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia.9:42
    • George has led several groups of LDS members to search for Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia, despite previous failed attempts by dozens of expats and four wheel drive groups. George discusses his journey to find the Mount of Moses, with help from local Arab Bedouin kids.
  • Mount Sinai and its significance in biblical history.13:51
    • At the base of Jebel Musa (Mount Sinai) there is a natural formation resembling an altar of golden calf. THere are many ancient carvings of Egyptian calves there. George finds altar and pillars associated with Moses.
  • Mount Sinai and the Israelites’ journey.18:27
    • Even in the LDS Bible, it shows the Land of Midian in Arabia, not in the land of Israel, at the time of Moses. George visited 12 wells of Moses, which he believes were used for the 12 tribes of Israel. George identifies Mount Sinai and the ruins of Midian based on his research and visits to the locations. He visits the mayor’s office to see the well of Jethro, which is now a tourist attraction.

Moses’ springs in Saudi Arabia and Muslim-Christian-Jewish relations.0:05

  • There are 12 Springs of Moses’ Saudi Arabia that claim to have been used for 12 tribes of Israel. George notes a thaw in Muslim-Christian-Jewish tensions. Saudis are now encouraging tourist visits to these sites.
  • Biblical site visit and security measures.4:11
    • George and his group were asked to meet with the captain of the Coast Guard station to see the “waters of Moses,” because it was in a military restricted aera. The captain had strict security protocols in place due to drug trafficking and border tensions with Egypt. George and his group were led to (what George has identified as the) Valley of Lemuel, where they found a small stream that was believed to be the entrance to the restricted area where the waters of Moses were located. George believes both Lehi and Moses were there. The group was sent to the Valley of Lembuel through a series of serendipitous events, including a conversation with a Captain who assumed they wanted to see the waters of Moses in the restricted area. There is also a site in an unrestricted area.
  • Finding Mount Sinai using GPS coordinates.8:54
    • Moses’ 12 wells in the desert match the symbolism of the 12 apostles and 78 palm trees, revealing a hidden priesthood message. George and his team used GPS coordinates to locate Mount Sinai and share them with others, leading to a increase in tourism to the area. George has encountered various groups, including Christian groups and tourists, at the site. Saudi Arabia has opened up ancient archaeological sites to tourism, including the restricted Mount Sinai area.
  • Finding Mount Sinai and filming its beauty.15:56
    • George describes the Valley of Lemuel as the most beautiful place on Earth, with granite cliffs over 4000 feet high and canyon walls similar to Petros. The government of Saudi Arabia is trying to make the valley a tourist attraction. George has taken groups to enter it. George tells about how he filmed it with a camera for the first time.
  • The location of the Red Sea crossing based on geological evidence.20:16
    • George discovers 11 springs in a restricted area, with one more further down the hill. George Potter discusses the Exodus and the Red Sea crossing, citing geological evidence that the crossing was possible in the area now known as Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.

Exodus Locations 0:01

  • George discusses Moses’ miracle of fresh water flowing from stagnant, bitter springs. Moses meets with his father-in-law Jethro in a valley, seeking leadership advice.
  • The location of Mount Sinai with a tour guide.5:00
    • George describes a site where water drips from a sandstone cliff, believed to be the location where Moses struck the rock and water came out. George argues that Mount St. Catharine’s is not the real Mount Sinai, because of the lack of concrete evidence.
  • Exodus story validity and potential artifacts found.8:54
    • George argues that the Exodus story is valid and not a myth, using the Red Sea crossing as evidence. George finds ancient earrings near Mount Sinai, surprising him.
  • Leading tours to Arabia and Peru.12:15
    • George discusses his upcoming trips to Arabia and Peru, and how people can get involved in his tours.
  • Traveling to Saudi Arabia for religious pilgrimage.16:01
    • George recommends visiting Saudi Arabia in November or December for mild weather. Ramadan and the Hajj pilgrimage are two significant holidays in Saudi Arabia, with limited food options during Ramadan. George shares details of his upcoming trip to Mount Sinai, including transportation costs and accommodations.

What is your take on the Exodus story? Was it a myth or real?