Eryj Ben Sassi is the Founder & President of Association Didon of Carthage in Tunisia. In February she came to Washington, DC for a diplomatic reception to strengthen ties with the Heartland Research Group. Both groups believe that ancient Phoenicians came from North Africa to North America in 600 BC. We’ll discuss more about her group and why she believes that. Check out our conversation….

Based on Philip Beale’s 2 travels in a 600 BC Phoenician ship, Eryj seems convinced that ancient Phoenicians likely traveled to the Americas, following a similar route that Christopher Columbus used. Carthage was such an important city at this time, and the ancient Phoenicians were great sailors, dominating the seas until Rome sacked Carthage the 17-year long Second Punic War between 218 and 201 BC.

Tunisia is 98% Muslim, but has a long history of welcoming other peoples. Tunisia has the oldest synagogue outside Israel. Does it have Book of Mormon ties? Eryj Ben Sassi discusses the Book of Mormon character Mulek and how he may have come to Tunisia on his way to North America.

I was also surprised to hear Tunisia is one of America’s oldest friends, dating back to George Washington. Eryj Ben Sassi tells more about Tunisia’s diplomatic relations with America and her future plans with the Heartland Research Group. She would like to strengthen tourist ties between America and Tunisia.

Have you been to Tunisia? Were you aware of the history? What do you make of Eryj’s acceptance of the Book of Mormon narrative about ancient Phoenicians coming to America?