I retired last month after 42 years of working civil service for the Department of Defense. Although I’m going to work next week part time as a consultant for my old job, I still have way too much time on my hands. So I’ve been going through my old files, and found this below. I printed it off of internet on 4/12/96. So it was in the early years of the internet, 28 years ago. It was written by somebody named Heather M. Laurence. It is called “Top 30 Indications You Live in a ‘Liberal’ LDS Stake”. Obviously some things are dated (referencing Rush Limbaugh, but you could insert Trump for the same meaning), but it struck me was how little has changed in almost 30 years in the Church, and the list mostly still applies today!

Top 30 Indications You Live in a ‘Liberal’ LDS Stake

30. Most of the men have long hair; most of the women have short hair.

29. Members frequently use the term, “international church.”

28. The singles’ ward has better Home/Visiting Teaching statistics than the family wards.

27. The flagpole hasn’t been painted since Ezra Taft Benson was prophet.

26. The flag hasn’t quite made it up the flagpole since Ezra Taft Benson was prophet.

25. Flag? What flag?

24. No bubble perms on women (or men — see #30).

23. Very few, if any, men are wearing white shirts.

22. Most members of the Bishoprics, High Council, and Stake Presidency sport facial hair in one form or another.

21. The Relief Society President attends PEC. Every week.

20. There are no lawyers or orthodontists in high-profile leadership positions.

19. Primary children are permitted to “drum” when singing “Book of Mormon Stories.” Corollary: Primary children are permitted to shout “Sun-BEAM!” (You know when.)

18. No “Rush is Right” bumper stickers in the parking lot.

17. No faded “Happiness is Family Home Evening” bumper stickers in the parking lot.

16. No 1970’s-era station wagons or vans in the parking lot, with or without the aforementioned bumper stickers.

15. None of these aforementioned station wagons or vans can be found at the neighborhood Costco.

14. The Laurels don’t flirt with the missionaries — the Beehives do.

13. No ward picnic on or around July 24.

12. Portraits of past Relief Society presidents are prominently displayed in the foyer — but no apostles.

11. Nobody in a leadership position uses a Franklin planner.

10. The red punch actually tastes good.

9. The Relief Society doesn’t own a lace dolly tablecloth.

8. The Stake President is quoted in the local liberal rag.

7. During the weekly announcement from the pulpit, the Ward Magazine Rep pushes Sunstone and Dialog.

6. None of the Young Women wear hair bows, floral print dresses, or lace collars.

5. Ezra Taft Benson is never quoted in any meeting (not even the “Pride” talk).

4. The Relief Society Presidency all wear Birkenstocks to church on Sunday.

3. Multi-whole-grain sacrament bread.

2. The General Handbook of Instructions is supporting the broken leg on the bishop’s desk.

1. Members prefer to be called “Mormons” rather than “Latter-day Saints.”

Does it surprise you that the number one item on the list is still at the forefront 28 years later?

What can you add?

Image by nateen08650 from Pixabay