There was a discussion on another LDS forum on what if anything can Faithfull members, Nuanced members, and Ex-Mormons agree upon about the Church. Of course there is a lot they don’t agree upon, but is there anything that everybody can agree upon?

On the forum comments, somebody brought up using volunteer labor to clean the church buildings is wrong. Others brought up that Brigham Young was racist. But I know for a fact there are TBMs that would not agree with these statements. For every item somebody brought up that was universally agreed on, there was another person who found a counter argument.

I don’t think there is anything universally accepted by all TBMs and Ex-mormons. Can you think of anything? So lets change this up. What is the most liberal, non-TBM, shocking thing you heard a true believing, Peter Priesthood or Ronda Relief Society say about the church that you’d have never thought would come out of the mouth of a faithful Mormon?

I was once talking to a member of the Stake Presidency. It was something about church history, I don’t even remember exactly, but I do remember his response. He said “Well, when you put it that way, it makes the Church seem like a cult! ” He then just turned and walked away, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation.

Another time in High Priest Group, I was teaching a lesson based on the “Race and The Priesthood” gospel topic essay. After I quoted the part about Brigham Young’s part in the ban, a brother on the back row, very orthodox, said in a loud voice “it sounds like Brigham Young was a racist!”. Even better than that was the bishop’s reaction, who was sitting next to him. The bishop is African American, and he let out a big laugh, and then buried his face in his hands trying to contain his laughter.

So now it’s your turn. What is the most unorthodox thing you have heard a faithful mormon say?