Is there anyway the Church can salvage Doctrine and Covenants 132? What values and virtues does this section provide today? Are there parts that would be worth removing to make the content more relevant to us?

If we take that D&C 132 was written to convince Emma to embrace polygamy, could this section be Joseph speaking as a man and not as a prophet, similar to Brigham Young’s racist teachings? If we create children with concubines like Abraham will it be accounted unto us for righteousness (D&C 132: 37)

We could try to understand D&C 132 in a modern context by using the Come Follow Me manual. But that doesn’t work well as the manual stops from referencing anything after D&C 132 verse 40 (where the crazy stuff starts)

So many questions about D&C 132.

  1. Is 10 the limit on the number of virgins that a man can take? (verse 62)
  2. Did Joseph violate the virgin requirement by marrying women that were not virgins like mother-daughter pairs and women married to other men? (verse 62)
  3. Did Joseph violate the “replenish the earth” commandment by not having any children from polygamous unions (that we know of) (verse 63)
  4. When the Lord says “for I will destroy her” when a wife does not believe and administer unto her husband, is this physical, spiritual, or both?

If this wasn’t enough to make your head hurt, how about verse 26 that says once they are sealed in the Holy Spirit of Promise, then they can “commit any sin or transgression of the new and everlasting covenant whatever, and all manner of blasphemies” except commit blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (which it defines as the shedding of innocent blood) , then they shall “enter into their exaltation” This sounds a lot like getting your calling and election made sure, or second anointing (but without the secret Sunday session in the Temple with the foot washings).

So getting back to the questions asked at the beginning, can D&C 132 be salvaged? What could the Church do without throwing poor Brother Joseph (or God) under the bus? There is already precedent on removing things from the Doctrine and Covenants like the Lectures on Faith. Could the Church just remove 132 completely? If they did, could somebody like a Prophet Seer and Revelator (we have 15!) receive a replacement revelation that reflected our modern marriage customs? Would the members accept new canonized scripture?

Your Thoughts?