We were once Mormons and there was a classic joke.

“Catholics say the pope is infallible but don’t really believe it; Mormons say the prophet is fallible but don’t really believe it.”

A link to the old doctrine. Wikipedia on the topic.

Now that we are no longer Mormons the doctrine has evolved. The freedom to disagree with church leaders and the doctrine surrounding whether leaders are infallible have both changed.

Here is the new and most current doctrine:

There is a lot of nuance in this new doctrine. There are some great points — especially about not arguing or debating with others who have different viewpoints and recognizing that we do not know the fullness of the will of the Lord.

I have three questions related to this new instruction by Elder Oaks on Patterns of Personal Apostasy.

Given the flexibility of the original letter about steeples, speculation is probably misplaced but I’m curious how the patterns interact with doctrines disseminated by letters such as the following:

First, there has been much discussion in the press about the upcoming McKinney Texas temple. The LDS church wants a exemption for an extremely high steeple. Their argument is that the height of the temple is tied to doctrine and worship practices. This statement doesn’t answer the question of how doctrinal the doctrine of temple steeple height is and whether short steeple temples are apostate like many have claimed.

Second, in his teaching, Elder Oaks letter strongly infers that church leaders are infallible but that infallibility has a shelf life. There is no doctrine about how long a church leader can expect their religious positions to be honored, followed or canonized. The instruction is clear that old doctrines are readily discarded after a leader has died.

Third, and finally, the statement leads the reader to question what impact this statement will have on the relative doctrinal positions in Utah of the two presidents with a claim to being infallible. One is a spiritual leader. One is a political leader. How does a devout member of the LDS church decide who to follow? Former President Trump? Current Church President Nelson?

Not too long ago Utahans preferred President Trump to President Nelson as more infallible by 60% to 40% — but after this statement it should be interesting to see if the ratio changes.

What are your takeaways from this statement?